Week Eight

  1. What did you do this past week?
    This past week I met with my group for the IDB project. We started working on the project on Sunday and ran into a variety of issues. I’m working on the front end of the project, and I must say that I’ve very quickly realized that I don’t like front-end development. It’s definitely a learning experience, but I’d rather not do it again.

  2. What’s in your way?
    Too many things to do and not enough time. I have a project due at the end of this week for another class, which is interfering with how much time I can commit to the IDB project. I’m trying to learn html/bootstrap/css, but am finding that I don’t really have enough time to learn this, actually work on the IDB website, work on my other project, and sleep. I guess I’ll be drinking a lot of coffee this week.

  3. What will you do next week?
    This week I’m going to finish up the IDB project. Next week I’m going to be really happy that I survived this week. Right now is crunch time, so I’m under more stress than I would like. On Saturday I’m going to HackTX, which I’m really excited about. I’ve never been to a hackathon before, so I think it’ll be a fun new experience!

My experience in class:
On Tuesday we just went over the project, and even got out early! On Thursday we learned about functions and methods in Python and also caching. I think it’s interesting that the smaller integers are reliably cached. I don’t expect that this will ever raise an issue in application programming, but it’s good to know.

Tip of the week:
Start working early on your projects and dedicate enough time to properly learn the tools you’ll be working with. Things always take longer than you expect.

Laugh of the week: Programming on a plane

Written on October 17, 2016