Week Nine

  1. What did you do this past week?
    I survived! My team and I finished the IDB project, and my OS group and I finished project 2 for Pintos. It was a rough week for me. I spent a loooot of time in the lab, which led to a severe lack of sleep. I’ve found that the lab is most empty from about 1 - 7 am, so there’s that. As for the project itself I worked on frontend development. I didn’t have any previous experience with frontend work, so I was pretty lost for a while. I felt like a good chunk of my time was spent just tinkering around with layouts for the website that I ultimately threw out, so after hours of work I had little to show for it. I didn’t really enjoy this process, so I’m planning to do more backend oriented work for the next phases. I must say that it’s nice to be able to go to our website (boilerpl8.me) and see the work that we’ve accomplished. I look forward to building on what we’ve already done.

    I also attended HackTX this weekend, which was a lot of fun! It was my first hackathon, and it was a good one :) My team and I worked on making a computer version of Codenames, a fun board game most of us had played. I did the backend development in Java, which we were going to translate into Javascript. We ran out of time before translating it, but I think we’re going to continue working on the project some more. I was really happy to code in Java again because it’s my favored language and I hadn’t coded in it for a while. It’s really nice to not program in C, which is what I’ve mainly been doing for the past several months.

  2. What’s in your way?
    Sleep deprivation. I’m catching up on all the sleep I lost last week.

  3. What will you do next week?
    I’ll work on the next phase of the IDB project. I’m hoping to get the work done sooner so that there won’t be such a rush near the due date. I’m also going to register for classes, so I have to figure out what courses I want to take.

My experience in class:
Unfortunately I missed class on Thursday, so I can’t really talk about it. On Tuesday we talked about a variety of different joins, which I found interesting.

Tip of the week: Get sleep. It’s really important. Also, here are the submissions from HackTX. They’re really cool! As a note my group didn’t end up submitting our project.

Laugh of the week: When you love python too much

Written on October 24, 2016