Week One

  1. What did you do this past week?

    This past week I haven’t done much related to this class, as I only just joined it a couple of hours ago off of a waitlist. So far I’ve read the syllabus and am trying to set everything up to be ready for future assignments and tasks. I seem to have successfully figured out how to make this blog, which is a step in the right direction! Unrelated to this class I’ve been trying to solidify and get ready for my schedule this semester. It will be a challenging semseter with a lot of coursework, but at the end of it I’ll be more prepared to face the “real world.”

  2. What’s in your way?

    Catching up takes time, and I’m not 100% sure of what I need to do to be ready for this class. It also seems that my lack of recent practice in Python might be an issue, but I think I should get back into the hang of it quickly. I think we’ll be doing things in this course that I’ve never done before, so I’ll have to work diligently to stay on track.

  3. What will you do next week?

    Next week I’ll have figured my current issues out and will be proactive so that I won’t need to play catch up. I will search for interesting tips to add to my blog post and will read the readings as soon as possible. I will also get to attend lectures, which will be nice.

  4. My experience in the class:

    The only experience I’ve had so far is with the syllabus, Piazza, and doing this blog. Just setting this up was a time-consuming process for me because I’ve never done anything like it before. I expect that I will be faced with lots of new challenges in this course.

Tip of the week: Coding bat (you may have already used it) has exercises for you to practice programming in Python and Java, which may be useful review for this course

Written on August 29, 2016