Week Six

  1. What did you do this past week?
    This past week I didn’t do much in the way of this class. I studied for exams and did projects for other classes.

  2. What’s in your way?
    It’s always a lack of time. I’m currently debating if I’m trying to do too much this semester and should drop one of my classes. I’d rather not so that I can graduate as soon as possible, but I’m having a difficult time balancing everything.

  3. What will you do next week?
    This upcoming week I will be studying for the exam on Thursday. I plan to read through the Extreme Programming book and to go through all of the examples we’ve been shown in class to get a better grasp of all the concepts we’ve covered. I imagine that my cheat sheet will be pretty important in helping me remember the specific details of certain things in Python, so I’ll need to prepare it well.

My experience in class:
In class we went over two concepts that I’ve never seen before or at least haven’t seen a lot of, which are closures and packing/unpacking of arguments to functions. I think they’re very interesting features to include in a language. I’m not entirely sure why it’s necessary, but I look forward to having the opportunity to use these concepts in future programs.

Tip of the week:
You can run code snippets in Bing! This article explains how to do it. A quick example is to type in “python merge sort.” It’ll give you a box with merge sort implemented in Python which you can then run. It supports a variety of languages, but I’m unsure which version of Python it uses.

Also, save your work often. Ever since I spilled water on my laptop it’ll randomly start deleting things, as if I’m holding down the delete key when I’m not even touching it. It’s not a fun situation, but it’s definitely made me a lot better about saving my work often! I don’t recommend going my route though.

Laugh of the week

Written on October 3, 2016